Friday, April 26, 2013

Morning visits

The branches of the aspen tree bend in the breeze, which is fresh and full with the promise of warmth. Animals awaken. Gulls shriek as they pass overhead, squirrels twitch in the trees. I can hear the lull of buses starting their day in the terminal nearby. Soon this road will be full of other people, cradling cups of warm coffee, stretching to the sun. But for now, it's just me and the animals. After a few minutes they're used to my presence during their morning tasks. They have figured me out, quicker than I've figured them out. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bright, light and warm

Planning for green things, for new colours. Planning to get away. Planning to stay in. Planning to learn new things, to see the same things with new eyes. Planning to stay out longer. Planning to notice the leaves and the flowers. Planning to welcome the birds. Planning to walk slower and farther. Planning to be bright, light, and warm.